Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's all in the bottom right leg of the chromosome

There are countless books and complex theories as to why men and women are so inherently different.     I don’t believe the reason is as complex as scientists and psychologists make it out to be.  Do you remember basic biology when you were told that women were the X chromosome and men are the Y chromosome?  Let’s take a simple look at those two small letters shall we?  The x for example is made up of two equal lines which cross at the center at an angle.  What happens when you snap off the bottom right leg?  That’s right, you have the letter y.  So it stands to reason, that men are not like women because to put it simply, they’re broken.
What happens when the bottom leg is missing?  Let’s consider some of the most common differences by example #1 Why can’t men ask directions?

 I remember shorty after my marriage, before the GPS, we were invited to a wedding in Norfolk Va.  We had the name of the church and the street address. No problem; until we turned onto that street, and became confused because there wasn’t a single building on the road that contained a house number.  Now you wouldn’t think that finding the church would be a problem except that there were churches everywhere.  You know how each town has what they call fast food alley? You pass McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, Pizza Hut, Bo Jangles Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Arby’s  in less than a half mile. It’s like running a fast food gauntlet and dodging the arterial blows till you emerge on the other end of the street where a development houses the local victims, peering out the window dreading the route back to the interstate.

This particular road in Norfolk could have been called the gauntlet of righteousness.  There were churches on both sides of the street. Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Unitarian, Evangelical, Episcopalian, and Baptist along with churches of denomination I had never heard before.  We were running late, and I, being a woman, thought the solution was to just stop and ask a pedestrian. However, my husband, who contained that broken chromosome, decided the better solution was to turn the car around and cruise back and forth like ducks in a shooting gallery, till either we found the church or we were picked off by the righteous indignation of each denomination when we refused to stop at the prospective pearly gates of their parking lots. 
This leads me to example

 #2 why can’t men listen?
 Did I mention that I believe the bottom right leg of the X chromosome must also contain the tonal range that permits hearing?  Because it wasn’t until my voice hit a higher pitch that my husband’s inner ear became receptive and pulled alongside the next group of pedestrians we saw to finally ask directions.  As it happened, it was the bride and her parents, walking to the church.  To his credit, he did receive the telepathic message “I told you so”, from me with little effort. Which leads me to believe telepathy or mind reading, which is often credited to women is in one of the other legs of the X chromosome.

Example #3 Men like to think that women can’t manage without them. 
They want to be the providers. And though they accuse women of keeping score, they do the same.  The difference is the scoring curve.  Men tend to score a gesture or deed much higher than women.  Taking garbage out may be a ten in his eyes, but a 1 in hers, while taking care of the kids and doing laundry is considered menial and scores a one with him while his wife rates her time equivalent in accomplishing these tasks a bit higher than the time it took him to carry a bag from the kitchen to the curb. Consequently, they always seem to think things are off balance. Hmm, ever try to stand up a Y?

Example 4 men don’t talk.
 Men use as few words as possible and speak only when they have to...  Women want to discuss the problem until a solution is reached.  With one exception, when a woman is complimented on her salad, she graciously says thank you, I picked the lettuce fresh from the garden this morning.  But when men are complimented on an accomplishment they stand around beating their chests. It’s the old hunter gatherer stuff.    When a man goes hunting to put meat on the table, and someone takes notice, you are forced to relive the hunt with them.  They will go into excruciating detail from the weather to the type of ammo and on to a minute by minute description of the sights and sounds experienced before pulling the trigger and landing the shot.   I call your attention to the amount of cave drawings, depicting hunts.  I propose it was simply the woman who gave him the piece of charcoal and said “honey, write it down and I’ll read it later after I clean up the dishes and beat your underwear on the rock along the river and hang them to dry after I start the fire.

This leads me example 5, Men cannot multi-task.
Women are capable of rocking the baby, stirring the sauce and talking on the telephone while they supervise  one child doing homework and listening to yet another child reading aloud.  Men on the other hand can only manage one task at a time, with possible exception of performing certain bodily functions while reading.. The world comes to a grinding halt if they have to give so much as a yes or no question when asked during a sports game on the TV.  Oh, they will tell you they are thinking before answering, but must I remind you about the listening skills housed in the bottom right leg of the x chromosome?

Example number 6 -  If there was ever a doubt that God was all-knowing and all-seeing, just look at who he chose to bear the children. 
 Women will endure 36 hours of labor and be back on her feet, within hours of delivery, but if a man pulls a muscle, he’ll whine for sympathy for hours, maybe even days.  And Lord help us if they should get the flu!  You would think they were on their death bed and you begin to wonder if you should first call the priest to administer last rites, or grab the check register to be sure you made the required payment on his life insurance while racking your brain trying to recall where the will was stashed.  Perhaps it’s because they are trying to keep their balance on that one-legged chromosome .

And finally, you realize men have no opinion when it comes to helping you decorate the house or deciding if they like your new dress or your new hairstyle. And the ones who do, are said to be more in touch with their feminine side.  I’d be willing to bet if their genetic structure was examined closely, there would still be part of that lower right leg of the x remaining.  In other words, they’re probably gay!

Still, men blame the wife when they do not get the son they wanted to carry on the name; though basic biology tells you it is the man who determines the sex of the offspring.  The women have only the X chromosome, while the male carries both the x and the y.  So if the broken chromosome happens to swim faster, and produces another broken chromosome, they have no one to blame but themselves.

Some people explain it all as "It's a guy thing.  I maintain that it's a "Y" thing.

Men can be kind of like a cockroach.  Cockroaches have a similar system for determining the sex of an individual. The male cockroaches determine the sex of the offspring. The male cockroach contains only an x chromosome, and thus produce sperm that contain either an x or no chromosome at all.  Wanna guess what sex the no chromosomal sperm produces?

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