Saturday, October 17, 2015

Dad's Goodbye

Why was grandpa crying?
My children asked one day.
Cause grandpa knows he's dying, 
was all that I could say.

The tears welled up-
a lump was formed so fast
I couldn't breathe.
For it was then I knew
it wont be long before he leaves.

Suddenly, I flashed back,
to a time when I was four
and he'd lift me up to do the dishes,
 while he would  mop the floor.

It was every Sunday morning
 while the others went to pray 
To surprise my mom when she came home 
that was just his subtle way.

I remember well the extra hug
as he set me on the floor
that's the time I cherished most-
when I was only four.

I thought back to his humor, and the twinkle in his eyes.
That twinkle always made us smile
though  back then, 
I knew not why.

His body now was atrophied,
his  mind was trapped inside.
He couldn't  wipe the tear we saw
 slip smoothly from his eye.

"I don't know what he wants to say"
 mom said, when I walked in;
She flipped through cards with words scrawled out
and was looking rather grim.

I looked at dad, and saw the twinkle-
and said "mom look into his eyes"
he's trying to say "I love you" 
and with that he gave a sigh.

He finally made me understand
 why  those twinkles made us smile.
The twinkle said it clearly-
the understanding took a while.

They were saying that he loved us,
he had said it all along-
We thought he hardly noticed us,
but clearly we were wrong.

I told him that I had to leave-
there were  things I had to do ,
but promised I'd return again
 tomorrow around  noon.

He looked hard into my eyes ,
the  twinkle  was there too
and I responded "Yes, I know dad, 
and we all love you too".

The next day I was nearly ready 
to walk out of my front door;
When suddenly I felt his hug,
Just like when I was four.

The phone then rang-
my brother called to say that he had died
Yes I  know, I said,
 he gave me one last hug-
 to say goodbye.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Song of Josephine

My sweet tiny girl...
your debut was not as we had hoped.
The waiting room was clouded with worry and fear
not the sunshine and flowers as we planned.

When I first saw you in the NICU
you were like a tiny marionette, lying broken on stage under lights
tethered to machines and monitors that controlled your life force.
But in those clicks and beeps I heard your secret message
of strength, courage and determination.

When I first held you in my arms
you took my breath away.
And as your tiny hand grabbed and held onto my finger
you became my oxygen and my lungs filled
with the breath of angels.
That's when I first knew you were our blessing from God
and destined for greatness.

My heart aches with love each time I see you or hear your name
It soars like a bird until I see what you must endure, and your illness
pierces my heart like a giant thorn.
And as the pain becomes most severe, I am suddenly stilled by a sound...
A most beautiful song rising a pitch above all others fills the air
and I see it comes from you.

You are the perfect song Josie...
Gods most special blessing to us all
Like the mythical thornbird,
the most beautiful song is brought about through great pain.

You are our song Josephine
the one most beautiful.
And we will hold those thorns to our own breasts because
your song is worth it.

All my love,